🆕NEW Authentication Trigger

Checks every time a user signs up if there are any tasks assigned to his email.

Input parameters

  • Only whne user is new!!!!

How to call from app


Logic (Assign tasks that belong to his email adress)

  1. SEND first EMAIL:

    1. to_email_adress = auth.user.email

    2. template_name = "welcome-new-user->user"

    3. data = none

  2. SEND first EMAIL:

    1. to_email_adress = "info@tasksource.io

    2. template_name = "welcome-new-user->us"

    3. data = none

  3. query assigned where assignToEmail == auth.user.email

  4. If one found call Assign task function with parameters:

    1. Email-Adress of Assigned member

    2. TaskID

Last updated