Review Deadline reached

After the task has been submittedForReview = true for 96 (4 days) hours without being accepted by the creator of the task it should be accepted automaticly

Input parameters

  • TaskID

How trigger

function should trigger automatic when the review deadline is reached.


  1. After the task has been submittedForReview = true for 96h (4 days) hours without being accepted by the creator of the task, it should be accepted automatically. (Probably not a HTTP callable)

  2. Add a field to the task document: "submittedForReviewDeadlineReached = true"

  3. Now just call the "accept work result" function

  4. Send an Email to ONLY Creator:

  • Send First Email:

    • to_email_adress = email_of_creator_person

    • template_name = "tasks-review-deadline-reached->creator"

    • data = {taskData: taskData, taskId: taskId}

Last updated