Review Deadline reached
After the task has been submittedForReview = true for 96 (4 days) hours without being accepted by the creator of the task it should be accepted automaticly
Input parameters
How trigger
function should trigger automatic when the review deadline is reached.
After the task has been submittedForReview = true for 96h (4 days) hours without being accepted by the creator of the task, it should be accepted automatically. (Probably not a HTTP callable)
Add a field to the task document: "submittedForReviewDeadlineReached = true"
Now just call the "accept work result" function
Send an Email to ONLY Creator:
Send First Email:
to_email_adress = email_of_creator_person
template_name = "tasks-review-deadline-reached->creator"
data = {taskData: taskData, taskId: taskId}
Last updated